Thursday, December 1, 2016

Photography Portfolio 2016

These are a few of my photographs that I am most proud of.  They capture just a few of the techniques and skills that I've learned as a photography student at Highland Community College.

Atchison Grainery

Cady - natural light

Chad - documentary/natural light

David - documentary/natural light

"eye in the sky" - Rule of Thirds

Arches at Sunset

Inside looking out - scanned film

Self Portrait - line drawing in Photoshop

Urban Escape - balance

Evening light - Canyonlands National Park

egg in still life - shadows

Drew - studio split lighting

Exposed Brick

Industrial Mechanical

Columns - Shape and Rhythm

Trees in perspective

Healthy Living

Water - film scanned

Happy Accident - blended images in Photoshop

Castle - scanned film

Complementary Colors